Navigating the Holidays in Recovery

Navigating the Holidays in Recovery

The holidays, although meant to be a joyous and exciting season, can be extremely challenging for individuals with an eating disorder. A lot of the season, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas, are food-centric and can be overwhelming. Whether you are healing from an eating disorder or helping a loved one on their recovery, here are some…


Understanding Bulimia Nervosa: 6 important warning signs

What is Bulimia Nervosa? Eating disorders do not discriminate based on age, gender, body size, ethnicity, socioeconomic status. It is not uncommon that an eating disorder may exist for years before an individual may recognize it’s impact on their life. Bulimia Nervosa has been shown to impact millions of people – estimates show a lifetime…


My Child Has an Eating Disorder. Now What?

When a child is diagnosed with an eating disorder, there can be so many emotions, fears and questions that come along with it. An eating disorder is not like other types of illness that can be treated with medicine; there is no immediate fix. The solution takes time, education, perseverance, support, and patience. As a…


Body Positive Affirmations: try ‘IF-fermations’ instead

Body positive affirmations are great but sometimes ones about your body like “I love my body” are difficult… and frankly, just don’t help. Are affirmations the best way to start out the day? Before we dig into the science of affirmations I have to share what comes to my mind whenever I think of affirmations….

Hunger and Fullness Graphic

Hunger and Fullness Scale: What Is It and Why Dizziness or Fatigue Might Be Your Only Sign of Hunger

Your body has a built-in fuel gauge so to speak. Everyone has this hunger and fullness scale when they are born. Think of a toddler, somedays they just pick at their food and other days they eat so much you wonder where it all goes. Those days they are likely going through a growth spurt,…

Woman laying in bed with her hands over her face.

Why Willpower Alone is Not Enough to Overcome the Binge-Purge Cycle

The idea of strong willpower as a key to overcoming the binge-purge cycle is a lie. So many times I’ve heard, “If I just had more self-control I could stop binging” or “I was following my diet but I don’t have enough will power to stick to it and then can’t control my self around…