A Dietitian’s Take on Set Point Theory
What is set point theory?
In the world of health and wellness, you may have heard the term “set point” thrown around. So, let’s get into what it really is!
Set point theory states that every individual as an ideal weight range that their body is comfortable at and wants to stay at.
Think of your body weight as a thermostat. When the temperature (your weight) drops below the set point range, the furnace kicks on to raise the temperature. When the temperature starts increasing, the AC kicks on to bring the temperature back down. This analogy exhibits the idea that when our weight is fluctuating outside of the set point range, our body works by to stay in the range that it functions best at.
Sure, extreme dieting and exercise can change your weight (aka changing the temperature). But, once these extreme behaviors stop, your body will likely regain the weight lost through these measures. Additionally, your set point range will increase for a multitude of reasons (chronic illness, restrict-binge cycle, certain illnesses, stress, and aging.) – more on this below!
What does this have to do with intuitive eating?
The concept of intuitive eating is to become more attuned with your body’s needs and cues. This means letting go of external rules and hypervigilance about what you are eating. The goal is to let go of trying to control our bodies and allow our bodies do the job they are designed for. When you first start practicing intuitive eating, your weight may fluctuate. After a few months of eating intuitively, most individuals settle into a range that their body is happy at.
But…Let’s not get too wrapped up in the numbers. Your weight probably won’t stay the same forever (and this is normal!!). I always recommend my clients not focus too much on the specific number that your body is settling at. Your weight can fluctuate 10-15lbs while still being within it’s set point. Just like having a “goal weight” while dieting, focusing on a “set point weight” can lead to obsessive thoughts.
Want to learn more about intuitive eating? Check out this post on my favorite tool to use with clients when starting.
Will set point change?
Yes! Your set point weight will most likely increase as you age – and this is NORMAL! Despite what diet culture has told you, as we age, things change in our bodies which can lead to a higher weight. Things like menopause, pregnancy, certain health conditions, hormone function can all lead to bigger weight fluctuations.
What determines my set point?
Genetics impact your set point weight range. We are all born with different genes that make our bodies look different. Body diversity is natural. If you ate the same and moved the same way as someone else, your body will still be completely different. That is body diversity.
While genetics is a major contributor to a set point range, income level and access to food play a large role as well. Income and access impact what foods you eat, how much you move and stress level. Stress level (circulating levels of cortisol will impact an individual’s set point range. Cortisol is helpful in aiding the body to respond to stress appropriately, however if we are constantly stressed, this can lead to changes in the way food is metabolized and an increase in your set point range.
How do you know you’re at your set point weight range?
While fixating on the number on the scale or the weight range will not be helpful, we can identify that we are within our set point weight range based on way the body feels. For a lot of clients, they realize they are within their range when they don’t feel obsessed with food, they’re not having to exercise constantly to maintain a certain body size, and they feel good moving around everyday. When at a weight that feels good to their body this can look like:
- You’re not making foods “off-limits” or avoiding perceived “bad” foods
- You’re able to listen to your body. You eat what you want and stop eating when satisfied or full.
- You don’t feel the desire to eat constantly or restrict eating when hungry
- You don’t feel like you need to control what you eat while on vacation or at a holiday meal because you trust your body to handle it.
How can I work towards it?
The first step in finding your body’s set point is to stop dieting and stop engaging in extreme exercise. For a lot of clients, this is really scary. It can take exploring your relationship with food, exercise and your body to give space to letting go to dieting behaviors.
Intuitive eating is also an effective way in finding the weight range that is comfortable for your body and is sustainable. You are putting your body first and becoming more attuned with it’s cues when intuitively eating. Ultimately you will find that giving up dieting/controlling behaviors around weight will bring you freedom and will help you feel less out of control around food.
Working with a dietitian can be extremely helpful guiding you in this process. If this sounds like something that would fit with you, we can help.